Introducing Kirra's newest coffee hotspot, North Kirra Surf Club is now smashing brews out for the locals and passers through right on the beach. Serving our staple Seasonal Blend next to your favourite goodies for nice walks along the beach, or a kick back on a the park bench, hit these guys up next time you're in the area.
Firstly, what’s your go-to coffee?
At the moment it’s a caramel latte, but that could change tomorrow.
Tell us a little bit about yourself and how the cafe came to be?
NK Café is a small café downstairs on the beach side of North Kirra Surf Life Saving Club. With the support from North Kirra SLSC we opened in early December 2021 serving takeaway Blackboard coffee, cold drinks, sweet treats and ice creams. It’s the perfect spot for beachgoers or morning walkers to drop by for their morning brew or snack.
Why did you choose Blackboard Coffee?
We were eager to support a local coffee supplier during these crazy times, plus their coffee is delicious!!
What are your Passions out side of Coffee?
Outside of coffee a massive part of our life is spent at the beach, either training or just enjoying our home.
If someone were to head up your end, what are the hidden gems around your area?
Some hidden gems of North Kirra are – us of course - our Café and Club. Not to mention the beautiful beach which is quieter than surrounding beaches. You can even spot the whales in winter.