Introducing Uncle George's Coffee Shop, our Newest Partner coming on board to share the love for good coffee in the Banora Point area. George, Founder and Owner, also owns a Barber right next door and since opening, this little coffee shop has been absolutely booming with locals coming down to enjoy a delicious brew.

Firstly, what’s your go-to coffee?

Very simple, a small long black!

Tell us a little bit about yourself and how the cafe came to be?

Grew up around Banora Pt/ Kingscliff most my life, done a bit of travelling and living overseas, shortly after returning from overseas I started drinking coffee at the age of 21 and it didn’t take long until I was hooked on not only the feeling/buzz a delicious brew gives you but the feeling a coffee shop/cafe can give you! The different little vibes and community each shop has to add so why not create our own in Banora point, right next door to my barbershop which was opened roughly 18 months prior to the coffee venture. It felt right to open the shop now and with the lease of the shop next door up for grabs it was just perfect timing! I wanted to create a place where people come, chat free of judgement, have a laugh and always leave feeling happier! 

Why did you choose Blackboard Coffee? 

Since discovering Blackboard Coffee I’ve been a massive fan of the products they put out. Having a mate who worked there at the time of my decision made it easier, along with the constant love and support you get from the team. When they announced they were bringing out a new blend and after tasting it I couldn’t look back!

What are your Passions out side of Coffee?

Barbering is massive in my life and where I spend a huge chunk of my time! However when I get a chance I love to get out on my surfboard or just down to the beach for a swim! Always enjoy a few beers with mates & family time! 
If someone were to head up your end, what are the hidden gems around your area?  
I wouldn’t say Banora Point is the greatest place to come for a day out, however after grabbing your brew, head south for a short 5 minute drive and you’ll arrive in Fingal, Dreamtime beach & the headland are a must visit!
Lastly, If you could invite one person for a coffee who would it be and why?
My grandparents (I’m sorry I couldn’t choose just one of them haha)! They are the most loving and supportive people, there’s always so many good stories to share and laughs to be had when they are around. 

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