CAFE PARTNERS: Good Day Coffee

Good Day Shop Front Image
We’re dedicated to delivering good coffee to good people both locally and globally. Each week we will be showcasing the legends that hand you your daily brew. This week we interviewed the legends behind Good Day Coffee down in Tugun. This pumping cafe sat down with us to tell us about how it came to be and what they're doing to combat such unprecedented times.
Good Day Logo
Tugun, Queensland
Seasonal Espresso Blend
Roaster's Pick Espresso 
Roaster's Pick Filter
Blackboard Instant Specialty Coffee
Biodegradable Coffee Pods

Good Day Coffee Image

1. How did Good Day Coffee start?
Good day was started in 2013 by a good friend Deejay. I started working for him in 2014 and loved the atmosphere and community spirit it encompassed. The customers are like friends and it is a place for people to not only get amazing coffee but also to bump into each other and chat. Deejay decided to sell in 2018 and that’s when we bought it. When we bought Good day we didn’t have the intention of changing it, and we still don’t. The business model it is structured on works well and we love the community atmosphere surrounding it.  
2. Why did you choose Blackboard Coffee?

We love Blackboard coffee and the team and wanted to partner with the brand. Blackboards team are beyond helpful and supportive and always deliver us delicious products so it seemed like a good match. We love that they are local business. 

Good Day Coffee Food

3. What is the best part about owning/operating Good Day?

Owning and operating a cafe is not always easy but the best part of owning Good Day is knowing that we can offer a consistent positive experience in people's daily lives.  We are open every day, including all public holidays, 5 am until 2 pm. Some people don’t have many certainties in their lives but knowing they can get a coffee and food from a friendly person might just be that thing that makes their day.

4. To combat these current times how have you adapted your business?

 We have adapted Good day to be takeaway only. We have the parking for people to quickly stop in and go so they can get their favourites while isolating. We are able to provide a takeaway service while giving people a smile and the same friendly experience they are used to at a Good Day.

Follow @gooddaycoffee here

Good Day Front of House

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